About Therapy

Therapy is a very personal experience and will differ from person to person. My aim is to support you in defining what you want, removing obstacles and figuring out how to achieve your goals.

For some individuals an active and focussed approach is preferred, giving them tools and techniques they can use day to day to support their wellbeing. The recommendations I make to my clients are things I have tried and tested myself on my own journey to wellbeing. For others, simply having a calm and safe space to explore different issues with someone they trust is essential. In most cases a combination of both of these approaches is best.

Starting therapy

In our first appointment together we can discuss what has brought you to counselling and explore how I may be able to help.  If you would like us to work together, sessions will happen weekly and last for 50 minutes each. We will usually hold a review after 6 sessions to ensure that you are happy with the process to date. Sessions are always governed by your needs and there is no commitment to stay for a set amount of time.